3 Low Blood Pressure Treatments

I’m sure you’ve heard of hypertension, or high blood pressure, plenty of times! After all, there are enough medical commercials and health group warnings about it! However, did you know that you can have the opposite problem, too?

When your blood pressure drops below the normal ranges, you have hypotension, also known as low blood pressure. While this isn’t usually considered as serious as high blood pressure in terms of the harm it can do to the body, low blood pressure can still cause quality of life issues and even present medical problems depending on its root cause. Having blood pressure that is too low can cause dizziness, cold or sweaty skin, fatigue, shallow breathing, blurred vision, fainting and nausea.

If you have low blood pressure, the treatments for it will depend on what is causing it. You may, in fact, be prescribed one or more of the common treatments below.

Alter your diet

For some people, a lack of sodium contributes to low blood pressure, so you may be told to increase your salt intake. Drinking more fluids may help, too, especially when it’s hot outside and you’re losing more fluid than normal and when you’re sick with something viral, such as the flu or a cold. However, alcoholic beverages will be off of the table; according to MedLine Plus, alcohol can cause blood pressure to drop in some people (https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007278.htm).

Have a medication review

Some medications, prescription or otherwise, can have low blood pressure as a side effect. If your troubles with low blood pressure are significant enough, your doctor may have you try an alternative medication. Never just stop taking a medication because you think it’s causing your blood pressure issues. Speak to your doctor first! Suddenly stopping a medication can have serious consequences for your health.

Cut down on your hot water exposure

Being submerged in hot water, believe it or not, actually lowers your blood pressure. If you enjoy a long, hot shower or a dip in a hot spa bath, you’re going to have to learn to go without it if you want to prevent symptoms. To be on the safe side, have a shower chair or stool in your tub when you are taking a shower in case you get dizzy. Being able to sit down can help prevent a fall, which is a real danger to those with low blood pressure.

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