4 Tips for That Drugstore Trip

We all do it, folks–make a run to the drugstore to grab some tried-and-true or new health or beauty items. But if you’re like me, you may often end up wandering around with a basket full of things you didn’t need or go there for!

Before you go to grab your shampoo or lotion, keep these tips in mind to keep your bill low and avoid all of those impulse purchases.

Prepare before you go

Make a list of products you intend to pick up before you go. This only takes a few minutes and can be done on your phone, and it makes a surprising difference. When you know exactly what you came for, you’re more likely to stay on task and avoid those last-minute purchases that seem like a good idea when you are just aimlessly shopping around.

Shop at the right place

Big brands are usually stocked everywhere, but some of those smaller or niche brands are going to be stocked only at certain drug stores. Know where the brands you want to buy or try can be found so you’re not wasting time or tempted into buying something else just because you don’t want to waste the trip. Most niche brands have store locators on their official websites so you know just where to go before you leave your house.

Go for the greatest hits

Many brands are known for a handful of really great products. For example, some skincare lines excel in products for those with very sensitive skin or skin conditions, while others aim to help those with dry skin or oily skin. Whatever you are aiming to care for or solve, go with the brand that is known to have a great product to tackle it.

Know the refund policy

To minimize waste and protect yourself with a more expensive item purchase, know the refund policy for each drugstore you shop. This allows you to strategize when it comes to more expensive purchases in case the item doesn’t meet your needs. Some stores, for example, will refund many opened beauty products for two or three months after purchase as long as you still have the receipt. By knowing what the policies are before you buy a more expensive item, you can ensure you’re buying from the drugstore with a policy that works for you.

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