5 Timely Tests for Those in Their 50s

Your 50s are the new 30s, friends, or maybe even the new 20s! Seriously, though, for many of us, our 50s are going to be the prime of our lives. We’re not yet bogged down by some of the conditions that come with very old age, and we’re likely more financially stable than we were when we were younger. If we have kids, they’re usually off on their own, and it’s time for us to enjoy vacations and all of those other things we planned on.

To have the kind of 50s you deserve, you must not let illness rob you of health if you can prevent it. At the very least, when you are in your 50s, make sure you get the following tests done (and if your doctor recommends anything else, have those tests done, too!)

Screening for colon cancer

At age 50, colon cancer screenings are normally recommended. While a colonoscopy is the test that is used most often, there are more options these days than before. Talk to your doctor about which type of screening test is the best choice for you.

Frequent scale stepping

A lot of people tend to start gaining weight in their 50s as their metabolism slows down with age. Watch your weight carefully, and fight back against any gains with workouts and a better diet. When you are overweight, you have an increased risk for many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Blood pressure testing

High blood pressure often doesn’t have any symptoms, which is why it is known as the “silent killer.” However, high blood pressure, when untreated, can attack your kidneys, your eyes, your brain and your heart. Don’t let this quiet menace creep up on you. Get yours tested regularly.

Cholesterol profile

Cholesterol, like blood pressure, is often silent when high but can have serious health consequences. Get your levels tested regularly, preferably once a year but at least every two years. If you do have high cholesterol already, it’s likely your doctor will want you to be tested more frequently.

Blood sugar levels

Untreated diabetes does have some signs, but it can become very dangerous before you realize you have it. Sometimes, people mistake the symptoms of diabetes for other conditions. Get your blood sugar tested at least every one to two years. If you do end up with diabetes, take steps immediately to manage it.

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