Dance, Dance, Dance

Dancing is at once a form of exercise and performance. It’s a great way to improve mobility and build strength, it can give you a delightful buzz, and it brings pleasure to all those around you who have the chance to watch. Dance really is a special kind of activity.

To watch a professional dancer is to be astonished at the power and flexibility of the human body. They create routines of pure beauty where you can barely see the amount of effort that goes into training and rehearsing to extend those limbs further than you’d think possible.

Dance is often divided into two groups. There are the theatrical dances that focus on aesthetic value and the participatory dances that are all about a group of people coming together. Dance can be a social occasion, a form of shared cultural heritage. Think of hoedowns in rural America or hula in Hawaii. They can also offer spiritual fulfilment, especially those with a ritualistic or religious bent.

Some people might try to dismiss the physical aspects of dance as not being real exercise, but those people have obviously never tried to dance seriously. From ballet to hip hop and all that’s in between, dance engages every muscle of the body. It’s a cardio workout and a way to build up stamina, and it can also mean dramatic improvements in balance, coordination and mobility.

There are cognitive benefits as well. Being able to dance to a rhythm means being able to count, even when moving at high speeds and trying to multitask. It makes you more aware of your own body and how it interacts with the space around you, requiring mental focus as well as physical deftness. You also need to be able to memorize often complex routines.

With all these potential advantages, both physical and mental, it’s no wonder that people who dance often end up feeling more confident in themselves. They then take that confidence, and all the other improvements, into other areas of their lives. Body and brain both feel the benefits, and that expands into your emotional and social wellbeing.

So if you’re looking for a different way to both look and feel better, something that can make you stronger and more flexible while also raising a smile and bringing opportunities to connect people, why not give dance a try?

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