3 Ways to Say Goodbye to Those Awful Age Spots

No one wants to see age spots when they look into the mirror, folks, myself included! Wrinkles are bad enough, but age spots are telltale signs of aging that can really make you look older than you are.

Ironically, “age spots” aren’t necessarily caused by aging itself. They’re often the result of sun exposure over time, according to the Mayo Clinic (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/age-spots/symptoms-causes/syc-20355859). It goes without saying that if you have odd spots, irregular spots, dark spots or ones that have changed in appearance in any way, it’s time to see a doctor as this could indicate a more serious condition, such as cancer.

If you’re tired of age spots and want to turn back the hands of time a bit, try the simple tips below.

Lean on lemon

Lemon can lighten and brighten your skin in a natural way, making the spots less visible and working some wonders on your skin tone. Once per day for eight weeks, try using a cotton ball to apply some freshly-squeezed lemon juice onto your age-spot areas. Leave this juice on the skin for about ten minutes and then wash it off with some warm water.

Pile on the pineapple

Bromelain, the enzyme in pineapples, is a natural mild bleaching agent that can lighten your spots. Each day, rub a fresh slice of pineapple onto your age spots gently and leave it on your skin for about ten minutes before washing it off with warm water. Do this daily until you get your desired results.

Aim for aloe vera

You may already have aloe vera gel in a bottle in your home, and while that will work for this purpose, using the leaves from a fresh plant is best. Aloe vera can help lighten your skin, and it also can remove your dead skin cells and encourage new skin cells to grow.

Each day, apply aloe vera with a cotton ball right on the areas where you have skin spots. Since it’s very gentle, you can let aloe vera sit for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can also just leave it on your skin until it’s fully absorbed, with no rinsing necessary!

Who said you have to age gracefully? To get rid of age spots and look younger without doing a lot of extra work or spending a ton of cash, try the tips above.

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