A Complicated Jigsaw

Looking better and feeling better are two closely related but not identical things. You manage one, and the other becomes a lot easier. Obtaining even one of them can be tricky, however. There are so many different pieces that need to fit together for you to be at your best.

A key aspect is, as always, diet, but even that is divided into a variety of different nutrients with different purposes. Miss one of them and your whole body may suffer. You’re built of a complicated mix of ingredients and purposes. When we look at nutrients, minerals are just one of the categories you need, but they span a whole range of bodily functions.

One of the most famous and important minerals is calcium, found in dairy products like milk, butter and cheese. It’s also present in leafy green vegetables like broccoli and kale. We need calcium because without it, children may develop rickets and adults may end up with osteoporosis. It’s vital to healthy teeth and bones, as well as regulating your heartbeat and helping your blood clot properly. If you want to stand tall and strong, you need calcium.

Another important mineral is iron, found primarily in red meat and liver but also beans, nuts and fortified cereal. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you may need to make an extra effort to make sure you consume enough iron. Pregnant and younger women are also more at risk of iron deficiency. Without enough iron, you may develop anemia. Instead of looking and feeling better, anemia will make you tired and pale.

Iodine is a mineral heavily involved in making you produce the right thyroid hormones. These affect your metabolism, or how quickly and efficiently your body performs its various processes. Iodine deficiency can cause physical tiredness and difficulty thinking and concentrating, in addition to contributing to weight gain. Another condition that becomes more likely because of a lack of iodine is depression, so you definitely won’t be feeling good without it. The best way to get iodine into the body is to eat lots of seafood.

Zinc helps keep your immune system working properly and plays a role in healing wounds, which is important for looking and feeling good. You can find it mainly in meat and oysters, although there’s also some in dairy products, nuts and beans. Not only can a lack of zinc make you feel less healthy, it has been linked to various psychological symptoms including depression and irritability, as well as lethargy. It may also contribute to skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

There are lots of minerals where a deficiency can lead to tiredness, such as potassium, or muscle weakness, such as magnesium. In most cases, you should be able to get enough by eating a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. It may not be immediately obvious if you have a mild deficiency, but if you suspect something’s wrong, talk to a doctor or nutritionist. In some cases, supplements may be available to make up for a lack of dietary minerals, ensuring you’ll soon be looking and feeling your best again.

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